Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 67

Broken spoon Ben n Jerry ice cream Bliss!

Had been craving ice cream the past 2 days and I usually don't crave ice cream, but my bff Salt told me about her fav B&J ice cream, the oatmeal cookie crunch flavor. Oh i know, I had been proud of my creation, my breakfast of champion "cookie dough oatmeal" (please refer to Day 60). So Salt told me about this flavor and ice cream was on my mind. So today at lunch we went and each got 2! Great sale, 2 for $6 Woohoo! came back and broke my silly plastic spoon carving and scooping away. It was pure blissful ice-cream-eating-spoon-breaking moments!!

I got the chocolate chip cookie dough and chocolate fudge brownie. Verdict: Choc chip cookie dough!

expected bliss: 24, unexpected bliss: 43

1 comment:

  1. Darn, and here i was, thinking i was all alone about getting Cold Stone Ice Cream........Coffee...Mocha....Kit Kat.....Heart cream....
